Top Fishing Spots To Catch Brown ray

Mike Gradwell
Steven Swink
Nanda Kumar
Yet again a Ray 😃
Anti Boncos
Perilisan anakan pari yang tidak sengaja tertangkap, selalu bijak sebagai pemancing agar populasi ikan tetap terjaga.
Graeme Robins
Nice little ray visiting us this morning. Released with message to call Mom or Dad
J Miggin
Brown ray, not sure on exact species. Make sure to have a net and gloves handy, these can hurt you. A net will also make sure you dont hurt the ray on the rocks. ( New to fishing so will will next time 😁)
meshal Hunter
First time for me, ray on a lure, #returned back to the sea
Amy Peterson
Another first for me! (baby) Couldn't tell if it was a Southern or a Brown Stingray though. His body shape at the tail looks like a Brown but we're in the South so....? CATCH & RELEASE ONLY!! Preserve the fisheries!!