Fishing For

Leopard coralgrouper

20 Catches
Dorsal spines (total): 7-8; Dorsal soft rays (total): 10-12; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 8. This species is distinguished by the following characters: D VIII,11; A III,8; pectoral rays 14-17 (modally 16); lateral line scales 89-99, in longitudinal series 112-127 scales; interorbital space no embedded scales; gill rakers on first gill arch developed 1-3 + 6-10; front of jaws with a pair of large canine teeth and side of lower jaw with 1-4 large canines; body elongate, its greatest depth 2.9-3.6 in SL; truncate to slightly emarginate caudal fin; pectoral fins 2.0-2.3 in HL; pelvic fins 2.0-2.4 in HL; Head, body and fins with numerous blue spots on red, pale grey or olive to dark brown background; caudal fin with a narrow white posterior margin except near the corners; juveniles (Plectropomus with a nearly complete blue ring (dark brown in preservative) around the eye (sometimes broken into segments); whitish margin very narrow and usually present along middle or posterior margin of caudal fin, often preceded by an indistinct dark band; gill raker at right angle of first arch longer than longest gill filaments at angle; enlarged posterior nostril on individuals > 40 cm SL; dorsal soft ray 3rd or 4th longest, 2.2-2.75 in head; anal soft ray longest 2nd or 3rd, 2.05-2.45 in head; outer margin of anal fin from 4th -8th soft ray straight to slightly convex; caudal concavity 5.0-12.0 in head, fin length 1.3-1.55 in head; pectoral fins 1.9-2.2in head; pelvic fins 1.9-2.2 in head (Ref. 4787).
Average Length
1.1 ft
Maximum Length
3.9 ft
Maximum Weight
52.0 lbs
Depth Range
9.8 - 328.1 ft
Temperature Range
75.2 ºF

Top Baits For Catching Leopard coralgrouper

Natural Baits by Dead Bait Salt Water Mackerel
1 Catch

Recently Caught Leopard coralgrouper

Francis Knarfy Elopre


Leopard coralgrouper

corey weeks


Was a awesome day on the water Glass off all day

Leopard coralgrouper
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Tyler Wilesmith


Leopard coralgrouper
11 lb
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Libby Treacy


Coral trout and striped snapper. On bommie near Bamfield waterfall. Fresh bait fish and handline used.

Leopard coralgrouper
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haryo mursito


Leopard coralgrouper
2 lb 2 oz
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Roberto González

Dorado Municipio, Puerto Rico

Leopard coralgrouper
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Roberto González

Dorado Municipio, Puerto Rico

Leopard coralgrouper

Katie Haslam

Douglas, Queensland

Leopard coralgrouper
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Leopard coralgrouper?
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