Fishing For

Whitespotted grouper

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4 Catches
Dorsal spines (total): 11; Dorsal soft rays (total): 15-17; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 8. This species is distinguished by the following characters: body depth distinctly less than head length, 2.9-3.4 in SL (for specimens 11-47 cm SL); head length 2.3-2.5 in SL; head pointed, dorsal profile almost straight; preopercle rounded, finely serrate; opercular spines inconspicuous; upper edge of operculum straight, sinuous or slightly convex; maxilla naked, mostly covered by upper lip; small or absent canines at front of jaws; midlateral part of lower jaw with 3-5 rows of small teeth; gill rakers of first gill arch 8-10 + 13-17 in juveniles and 4-8 in upper limb for adults larger than 25 cm SL; adults with ctenoid scales on body in broad zone along middle of side, cycloid elsewhere and with numerous auxiliary scales; caudal fin rounded; pectoral fins large and fleshy, with 17-19 rays, the fin length 1.5-2.1 in HL; short pelvic fins, not reaching anus, 2.0-2.7 in head length. Colour of adults brownish grey, the body covered with small pale spots overlain with large pale blotches; oblique black saddle on rear half of peduncle; 4-5 indistinct black blotches at base of dorsal fin; prominent black streak on maxillary groove; large adults brownish, covered with small, indistinct, contiguous pale spots; juveniles (less than 25 cm) dark grey to black, covered with prominent pupil-size white spots and smaller white dots (Ref. 39231, 89707, 90102).
Average Length
Maximum Length
2.5 ft
Maximum Weight
Depth Range
6.6 - 213.3 ft
Temperature Range

Top Baits For Catching Whitespotted grouper

Natural Baits by Dead Bait Salt Water Atlantic Longfin Squid
1 Catch

Recently Caught Whitespotted grouper

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1 week ago
Cacadu, Eastern Cape

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iLembe, KwaZulu-Natal

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Whitespotted grouper
1 lb 5 oz
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