Top Fishing Spots To Catch Atlantic butterfish

Shannondeaf Vanblaricom
Fishing becah
Daniel Carter
Best catches of the day with my son. His PB Croaker, his first Atlantic butterfish, my first sea robin and black tip shark and caught a bunch of star fish it ate my whole fish and got hooked on a 8/0 hook wierd.
Hafidh Alsalhi
Jafer Ambalath
there was much more .. happiness hapens
Maik Souza
3 Ponte
Agus Muhammad Ramdan
Cuma dapat segini, sedikit layur dan beberapa ikan yang mirip bawal. Orang sini menyebutnya Geulang Sadap.
caught this butter fish in Hubbards ns using some squid. Any body know what works best for catching these guys, and where they like to hang out? Been trying to find more of them.
Dean Moolman
Early morning catch on a bloody red eye..