Mark Codgod
Little Beis
Well… my buddies and me, indeed, caught an 8-footer - in fact, multiple 8-footers — but NOT the Giant Bluefin we were targeting! Five (5) sharks brought to the boat… the ones pictured are Porbeagle sharks. All released unharmed. A couple of the larger sharks may have been 10-foot Mako or Thresher sharks, as we had one chaffe-off and another hook pull before we got a good look. Great action but we’d trade all that for a single bluefin hook up!! We hit the water just after 4:45 am … arrived at Stellwagen bank in an hour on dreamy flat seas … baits in the water just after 6 am… and first hook up in 25 minutes. We marked several big fish …. saw 3 boats amongst the 100 out there take home nice bluefin tunas. We saw a hundred surfaces of humpback whales (easy) with some incredible breaches just a football field from our boat. In fact, we foul-hooked a 10-ton humpback whale that brushed up against our fishing baits (see video — sorry, couldn’t land it!! Lol 😂) to complement the shark action. It was calm and beautiful all day in this fish haven… we are so honored to be in the company of these majestic giants. Tuna - we will get you next time 🤙🏆🔥😱💪🦈🐳👍😀💥🤛🐟🍺🎣❤️
Jack Pearson
Darren Ledoux
Another beautiful moment
Ryan Jones
two shark trips and 2 different shark species. blue shark and a porbeagle