A relatively large species with the following characters: tall dorsal fins, its posterior margin directed posteroventrally from top to bottom and not upright distally, first dorsal-fin base is 1.6-2.0 times the anal-caudal space; buccopharyngeal denticles cover entire palate and floor of mouth; long claspers of adult males are slender, strongly depressed, the inner length about 9-10% TL, extending to just anterior of the second dorsal-fin origin; lower edge of spiracle is usually close to level of mid-eye; insertion of anal-fin usually over its apex; about 69/73 teeth rows; 78- 94 precaudal vertebral centra; 35-39 monospondylous centra; dorsal color pale greyish with numerous small, often indistinct, semi-regular, diffuse-edged white spots on postspiracular head and body; light and dark tonal coloration well demarcated on head below eye and onto middle of first gill slit, the intergill membranes are much darker dorsally than ventrally; bases and inner lobe of dorsal fins in juveniles (<400 mm TL) not strongly contrasted to distal part of fin, inner lobe is pale-edged; juveniles have caudal fin with distinctive whitish posterior margins (Ref. 76951).
Average Length
Maximum Length
Maximum Weight
Depth Range
170.6 - 1,322.2
Temperature Range
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