Species considered (demersal) sinking to or lying on the bottom; living on or near the bottom and feeding on benthic organisms. Adults occur in swamps, heavily vegetated sloughs and small sluggish streams, usually over mud (Ref. 10294, 58020). They feed on microcrustacea together with midge larvae, larger crustacea (isopods and amphipods), mayfly nymphs, and small snails and clams (Ref. 10294). Oviparous, eggs are deposited in aquatic vegetation, preferably on strands of Ceratophyllum sp. when available (Ref. 58020).
North America: Lower Roanoke River drainage, North Carolina; south to middle parts of St. Johns River, Florida; west to Brazos River drainages, Texas; and north to lower Wabash River drainage, Indiana and Illinois, USA.