Fishing For

Striped threadfin

5 Catches
Dorsal spines (total): 9; Dorsal soft rays (total): 13; Anal spines: 2; Anal soft rays: 11-12. Golden, dusky olive brown above, scale rows each with a dark line; fins dusky (Ref. 5492). Body with 7 or 8 prominent dark stripes along the longitudinal scale rows above lateral line and 7-9 faint stripes below. Pectoral fin rays unbranched; 4th or 5th pectoral filament longest, 22-40% of SL. Posterior margin of maxilla reaching to (or slightly extending beyond) level of posterior margin of adipose eyelid. Lower tip of 7th proximal pterygiophore of 1st dorsal fin directed backwards. Lateral squamation on caudal fin unbranched (Ref. 40970).
Average Length
11.8 in
Maximum Length
1.5 ft
Maximum Weight
3.6 lbs
Depth Range
Temperature Range

Recently Caught Striped threadfin

Reece Vermaak


Landed two of these guys yesterday at sodwana bay. Had a problem with puffer fish destroying my lures though

Striped threadfin

Ayum Ema

Tawau, Sabah

4finger thredfin @ kurau pemecang ombak ciq by kadirun sang kekurau 🤭

Striped threadfin
6 lb 11 oz
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Garry Drew

Pallarenda-Shelley Beach, Queensland

Caught a few nice Blue Salmon this morning,Lunch Yum Yum.

Striped threadfin
4 lb 7 oz
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Ejumps Hj Hashim


Thread Fin fish on light jig

Striped threadfin
10 lb 12 oz
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