Dorsal spines (total): 2. Ventral surface of head and lower jaw devoid of scales; large triangular naked areas on anterior dorsal snout; oval, narrow ventral dermal window of light organ before anus, about or less than half orbit diameter in length lateral and medial processes of nasal bones continuous; orbit small, 25.8-28.0% HL; snout long, 43.3-49.2% HL; trunk peppered with large melanophores below midline, dense ventrally; posteriorly melanophores numerous, rising above midline to reach dorsal surface; dorsal fin dark tipped (Ref. 26363).
Species found in Salt Water. Species considered (bathydemersal) living and feeding on the bottom below 200 m. A benthic species found on the continental slope (Ref. 75154). Caught with Caelorinchus innotabilis (Ref. 26363).
Southwest Pacific: Wanganella Bank (Ref. 26363). Western Central Pacific: Australia (Ref. 75154).