Dorsal spines (total): 1-2; Dorsal soft rays (total): 30-33; Anal spines: 0; Anal soft rays: 27-30. Blackish brown or bluish black head and anterior portion of body, rest of the body orange. A black blotch surrounding the gill opening. Caudal fin orange; soft dorsal and anal fins yellow; first dorsal spine blackish brown. Pelvic rudiment large not broadly attached to posterior margin of ventral flap. Scale ridge rugosities of male usually develop at about 65 mm SL. Scale spinulation on midbody not closely packed.
Species found in Salt Water. Species considered (reef-associated) living and feeding on or near coral reefs. Inhabits clear coastal reefs and protected outer reef habitats with rich invertebrate growth (Ref. 48637). Prefers deeper reefs. Often in pairs (Ref. 9710). Sometimes solitary (Ref. 90102). Secretive, adults are usually in pairs (Ref. 48637).
Indo-West Pacific.