Dorsal spines (total): 6-7; Dorsal soft rays (total): 9; Anal spines: 1; Anal soft rays: 8. Characterized by semi-translucent body with dusky orange-yellow spots on head, body, dorsal and caudal fins; first membrane of dorsal fin with vertically elongate black spot; black spot at midbase of caudal fin; fully united pelvic fins; presence of pelvic frenum; rounded caudal fin; longitudinal scale series 26-27; ctenoid scales except cycloid on breast, base of pectoral fin and anteroventrally on abdomen; absence of scales on operculum; median predorsal scales absent, but scales on side of nape extending to above rear edge of preopercle; opening of gill extending to within one-fifth opercle width from posterior edge of preopercle; depth of body 4.7-5.5 in SL (Ref. 90102).
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