Fishing For

Dogtooth grouper

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Dorsal spines (total): 11; Dorsal soft rays (total): 13-14; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 8. Distinguished by the following characteristics: uniformly dark reddish brown or greyish violet to yellowish grey; posterior parts of median fins with distinct white edge; 2-3 dark bands radiating posteriorly from the eye, uppermost extends from the eye to the lower opercular spine, 2nd runs from the lower edge of the eye across the angle of preopercle to the juncture of interopercle and subopercle, 3rd band extends from the dark mustache streak at the upper edge of the maxilla to the lower edge of preopercle; body depth 2.7-3.0 times in SL; head length 2.3-2.5 in SL; convex interorbital area; angular preopercle, 3-5 distinctly enlarged serrae at the angle and usually slender, antrorse or ventrally directed spine on ventral edge near the angle; serrate subopercle and interopercle; distinctly convex upper edge of operculum; posterior nostril is 2 or 3 times size of anterior nostril; scaly maxilla, reaching to or beyond vertical at rear edge of eye; 2 rows of teeth in midlateral part of lower jaw, inner teeth larger; well developed canines at front of jaws; caudal fin truncate, corners slightly rounded; body scales distinctly ctenoid, with numerous auxiliary scales (Ref. 089707).
Average Length
Maximum Length
5.4 ft
Maximum Weight
77.2 lbs
Depth Range
98.4 - 1,312.3 ft
Temperature Range
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Dogtooth grouper?
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