Fishing For

Corfu dwarf goby

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Dorsal spines (total): 7; Dorsal soft rays (total): 8; Anal spines: 1; Anal soft rays: 8. Distinguished from all other species of the genus by the following combination of characters: D1 VI, D2 I, 8, A I, 8, P 15-16; complete body squamation, lateral line scales 32-33; cephalic lateral-line system: anterior oculoscapular canal much reduced, ending between eyes with or without pores')… (if pore')… is present then a pore ')…' is present too), with pore K (always paired), with pore a and always with pore a'; preopercular canal absent; oculoscapular row z separated in two sections; paired interorbital row p present; eyes large, interorbital space distinctly smaller than eye diameter; coloration of first dorsal fin: adult females with a broad dark band on distal third, adult males with two dark spots (Ref. 26720).
Average Length
Maximum Length
0.9 in
Maximum Weight
Depth Range
Temperature Range
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Corfu dwarf goby?
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