Top Fishing Spots To Catch Cape stumpnose

Stephen Breetzke
Little Cape Stumpnose. Only catch in South Africa… I’ll take it!
Eugene Norval DuneSeven Fishing & Kayaks
Stumpie took the prawn before the Grunters could get to it.
Warren Hansen
Dad's turn! Caught 20min after my catch. Chuffed! Bit of a smaller one this time. Juvenile Cape Stumpnose as far as I can tell. Caught and released. Bottom fishing method, small hook with squid/chokka bait.
Warren Hansen
First catch since I was 8 y/o making it my second ever catch! And from the same body of water, the Grootrivier lagoon. Beautiful pristine conditions; misty, calm warm water with many fish breaching the surface. Chuffed with the catch even though its a small one. Excellent beginning to the fishing hobby. Caught and released. Used bottom fishing method with a 1 oz ball weight, leader and #2 size J hook with chokka/squid as bait.
Rushdi Kiewitz
James Kay-Shuttleworth
Landed in my lap🎣
Peta-Ann Drake-Shutte
Gabriel Maclean
Caught two cape stumpnose's by Wolwe River in Sedgefield, lekka catch😆