Top Fishing Spots To Catch Blackbelly rosefish

Joe Turner
Put it as a trophy because it’s rare to catch
Jillian Collins
Deep dropping got a stringer
Paul Mashitane
Second catch of day hahahahahh
Andrea Sampei
First day at sea today🎉While waiting to prepare for tomorrow's first trolling catch I enjoyed rock fishing. I really enjoy this type of fishing because I catch many different fish and in between I swim... What more? 🤙👍🤗
Darcizzle Offshore
We had an awesome day using the app to catch yummy black belly rose fish deep dropping.
Mike Cleary
Mahi were slow so we did al some deep dropping then hit the yellowtails !
Darcizzle Offshore
THROWBACK Thursday! They don’t get very big but man…One of best tasting fish out there! I wish I had an awesome fish picture from this week. We went swordfishing 5 full days and didn’t get a bite!! I am a newbie to swordfishing and I am learning new stuff on every trip to the sword grounds on my boat. It’s all about putting time in out on the water. The longer you have a line in the water, the chances of catching a fish keeps going up! One day we will catch a sword and the second we put one in the boat I’ll share with y’all! So for now, I’m sharing another fish from the deep. These two fish are the biggest rosies I have caught to date. YUM 🤤
Andrea Sampei
A little red scorpion fish in mediterranean sea. One of my favorite salt water fish. So funny to see it swim back to home at the speed of light when released🤣