James Fleullan
Gravid individual.
Connie Czerny
Caught this small guy on Tuckasegee River. No idea which kind of fish it is …🤔
Eric B
The fly selection on this app is really limited. Just a bright yellow dry fly because they were hitting on the boogle bug but having a hard time swallowing the hook.
Eric B
Things winged nymph was a little larger than the wingless one. Seemed to entice some of the bigger chubs to strike the fly.
Eric B
Eric B
Daddy Biggs
I think I correctly identified this guy as a bluehead chub and was definitely the highlight of my trip in terms of different species. This is a very cool fish with beautiful colors and gnarly spikes on his head. He bit my black copper john wet fly along with a whole slue of trout.
Steve A
nice chub on small lake