Dorsal spines (total): 7; Dorsal soft rays (total): 9; Anal spines: 1; Anal soft rays: 8. This species is distinguished by the following characters: 18-21 pectoral fin rays; 38-42 lateral scale rows; upper jaw length 9.5-13 % SL, rarely less than 11% SL; predorsal squamation reaching anteriorly beyond vertical through posterior margin of preopercle, often reaching posterior edge of postorbital blotch; first dorsal fin with 1-4 dark blotches on each element forming 1-4 stripes across fin or with one broad, dark brown longitudinal stripe across middle of fin; ventral portion of trunk with 2 rows of markings, upper row with 7-8 dark blotches along lateral midline from beneath pectoral fin to point just anterior to markings on caudal peduncle, lower row typically consisting of 3 conspicuous dark spots - occasionally with diffuse 4th spot beginning beneath ventral portion of pectoral fin and terminating just anterior to origin of anal fin (Ref. 85559).
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