Top Fishing Spots To Catch Gray smoothhound

Mason Caviedes
Caught this smoothhound, I was trying to catch big shark but this will do!
Saul Gravy
Smooth hound.
Saul Gravy
First shark. They actually put up a fight. Rad I got a fat bat eagle ray that I thought was gonna break my rod. Took me 5 mins to get it in, got it upside down in the water but snapped the line on the edge of a rock when I set my rod down, trying to find my phone to take a picture. Gnar
Megan T
My first little shark!
Raquel Alexis
Nice variety of catch & release tonight :: smoothhound sharks, croaker and a lil lobster. I also included a pic of my shovelnose fish & chips from the other night. Tight lines! 🤙🏽
Loud Veggies
Killing it at the bay today 😎🤙
Loud Veggies
Few days ago forgot to log 🤙🎣
James L
Gray smoothhound shark on squid and Carolina rig