Top Fishing Spots To Catch New Zealand blue cod

Izah Shados
Tony Crawford
Only one I got today. Was just over 34cm and I gave it to two local boys that were also fishing on the wharf.
Jamie Unsted
Good day fishing in Akaroa
zachary thomson
nice day out kayak fishing 2 blue cod and a kahawai
zachary thomson
nice day out kayak fishing in wellington harbour
Steph R
The six blueys, the half a kahawai (half used for bait heehee), and bits of doggy and wrasse there too. Excellent day out and now I believe surfcasting can catch fish haha.
Wynand Bierman
2nd blue cod in this location. Caught on sardines.
Jimmy Fish
Tasman sea Caught some big blue cod and sea perch. ☀️🎣