This moderately-sized skates (82.5 cm TL) with disc length (47.7-54.0% TL) are distinguished by the following; head length moderate (18.4-21.4% TL), posterior lobe of pelvic fins are long (10.4-23.4% TL); claspers are long and robust, tip rounded and not bulbous, no pseudosiphon, with a weak, but long pseudorhipidion, U-shaped cleft, projection rounded and protrudes from tip, has a very large sentina, sentinel present; teeth in 22-32 rows on upper jaw, teeth in 23-32 rows on lower jaw; total vertebrae 133; dorsal surface covered in small, sandpaper-like prickles; thorns in a non-continuous row, mature males with strong alar thorns, no malar thorns, middorsal thorns strong (1-8), nuchal thorns robust (2-5), tail thorns moderate (18-26), interdorsal thorns weak (0-1). Colouration: dorsal brown to grey, with numerous small dark spots on body; ventral white, often with dark brown blotches on underside of tail (Ref. 126515).
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