Dorsal soft rays (total): 17-19; Anal soft rays: 17-18; Vertebrae: 33-34. This species is distinguished by the following characters: D 17-19; A 17-18; vertebrae 33-34; body rather elongate, tapering from a moderately broad, flat, bony head (width 1.1-1.4 times its length) covered with tiny blunt spines in juveniles to low radiating ridges in adults; small eyes directed upwards; bony orbital rim separated medially by naked rectangular space; mouth large, vertical, with several prominent canines between smaller canines; chin smooth; lips with short ridge-like crenulations; ventral margin of preopercle with four spine-like processes; anterior end of isthmus with a pair of prominent forward directed spines; prominent cleithral spine sheathed with skin above pectoral fin base; gill rakers on first arch 14-17, in the form of patches of fine teeth, patches narrow, teeth in three or four rows, innermost row rather long; no scales; lateral line pores in skin high on side close to base of dorsal fin; dorsal fin low, elongate, its base 67-82% of predorsal length; pectoral fins huge, fan-like; pelvic fins moderately large, length 20-25% SL (Ref. 86516).
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