Fishing For

Humphead wrasse

10 Catches
Dorsal spines (total): 9; Dorsal soft rays (total): 10; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 8. This species is distinguished by the following characters: body deep, its depth 2.2-2.7 times in standard length; dorsal profile of head straight to above eye, then becoming convex; adults develop a large hump on forehead that can protrude anterior to eye; anterior tip of head forming an acute angle; jaws and lips prominent, 2 strong canines anteriorly in each jaw; no enlarged tooth present of rear of upper jaw; D IX,10, continuous; A III,8; dorsal and anal fins of adults very pointed, reaching well posterior to caudal-fin base; pelvic fins of small fish reaching anus, extending beyond anal-fin origin in large adults; pectoral fins with ii unbranched and 10 branched rays; caudal fin rounded; lateral line interrupted below posterior portion of dorsal-fin base, with a total of 22-23 pored scales; scales reaching well onto bases of dorsal and anal fins; scales in front of dorsal fin extending forward to above centre of eye; cheek and opercle scaly; lower jaw without scales. Colour of body olive to green with a vertical dark bar on each scale above and behind pectoral fins; head of adults blue-green to blue with highly irregular undulating yellowish lines; 2 black lines extending posteriorly from eye. Juvenile coloration lighter to white with dark scale bars and prominent black lines extending posteriorly from eyes, as well as 2 lines extending diagonally up and back from eye and 2 diagonally downward on snout in front of eye (Ref. 9823).
Average Length
2.0 ft
Maximum Length
7.5 ft
Maximum Weight
421.1 lbs
Depth Range
0.0 - 328.1 ft
Temperature Range

Top Baits For Catching Humphead wrasse

Natural Baits by Dead Bait Salt Water Herring
1 Catch

Recently Caught Humphead wrasse

Ben Jones


One of my favourite fish! Hump Headed Moari Wrasse… they fight hard and look amazing. Totally protected in Australia so this one has to be released

Humphead wrasse
22 lb 1 oz
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Ben Jones


My Favourite species on the Great Barrier Reef to catch and it’s an absolute giant… Hump Headed Moari Wrasse or Napoleon Wrasse… what a beast and on Topwater.. made my weekend!!

Humphead wrasse
61 lb 12 oz
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Ben Jones


Hump Headed Moari Wrasse! So cool on topwater and one of the most beautiful fish on the Great Barrier Reef!

Humphead wrasse
15 lb 7 oz
64 likes • 11 comments

Ben Jones

Torres, Queensland

Beautiful Wrasse caught in the shallows on the Outer Reef

Humphead wrasse
78 likes • 12 comments

Ben Jones


One of the most beautiful fish in the ocean!! Hump Headed Moari Wrasse… on a recent trip to Mer Island in the Torres Straight

Humphead wrasse
15 lb 7 oz
33 likes • 9 comments

Greg Black


it was a fiter

Humphead wrasse
5 lb 10 oz
21 likes • 1 comment

Ben Jones


One of my all time Favourites!! THURSDAY afternoon EPISODE 4 is dropping and might be the best one yet!! Subscribe on my YouTube and don’t miss out!! #offthegrid #fishingtrip #adventure #camping #fishing #bigfish #castmag 🧢 @catch_em_all_fishing 🎣 @casttackle

Humphead wrasse
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Ben Jones


One of the prettiest fish in the ocean!! I see a fare few of these fish speared or kept by fisherman around the world, and I understand they are a great table fish, but some fish are just too beautiful to be food! @topwater_sportfishing_charters doing the job for us again! This one on the Orange Nemo 60g stick @poptilyadrop !! Proved a killer lure and colour over the reef flats! #topwater #flats #fishingtrip #offthetop #moariwrasse #greatbarrierreef #fishing #poptilyadrop #stickbait 🎣 ps if anyone knows how to fix a corrupt file from a go pro please msg... I was coming down the side of the boat with the fish and actually fell in.. would have the hook up if the fish and fall in which would be hilarious..

Humphead wrasse
39 likes • 4 comments
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Humphead wrasse?
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