Top Fishing Spots To Catch Striped mullet

Eddie Torres
Uncle Bubba
Netted the biggest mullet I've ever seen. Thanks to the kind stranger are biolab boat ramp who talked me into trying my hand at smoking them. Took a while to get it right using woodchips on the grill, but man is it worth it. So good I forgot to take a picture before we tore into it. Florida man "Merritt" badge achieved.
Johan De Vries
Big Bull mullet and Diamond ray.
Micah Potter
I’m not too sure what the species of this little guy is, but I caught him by just throwing my cast net in trying to get some bait fish, cool find
Tom Marchal
good times
Dylan Korf
lekke byi see
Devin Hale
Striped mullet caught off the dock with a cast net, personal best for size when using a cast net.
sumeeth samlall
First time to see Karanteen of these sizes coming out... 28cm