Top Fishing Spots To Catch Whitebait smelt

Pinoy Angler
El Raptor Of Earth
Went for 20 mins, loaded up on bait fish, then went to the jetty! No dice, but i got these guys pretty quick. Landing a few triples while I was at it!
El Raptor Of Earth
Went to the pier this morning and for these guy, 2 smelt, and like 5-6 shiner. Use them as bait later.
El Raptor Of Earth
Like I said tough getting the bait on Sabiki but here’s like 12-16 5” smelt. Just in time for my halibut hunt later.
El Raptor Of Earth
Tough sleddin just catching my bait fish this morning, I caught like 3 of these 11-13” top smelt… useless to me, but hey! Better than a skunk.
Raquel Alexis
Apparently I caught a smelt the other night 🤣🤣 🌙🐠
El Raptor Of Earth
Standard baitfish time.
El Raptor Of Earth
Catching my bait fish